Get started in Android Mobile Development

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Unlock Your Dream Career with Our Comprehensive Android Masterclass! Dreaming of a lucrative career in Android development? Or perhaps you have a killer app idea but don't know how to bring it to life? Look no further! Whether you're a complete beginner or a programmer looking to diversify your skill set, our course is designed just for you. From Kotlin to Firebase, you'll gain mastery over all critical aspects of Android development. Our course is jampacked with exercises, example applications, and demos to solidify your learning.

Course content:

• Introduction to android and kotlin.

• Getting ready with android studio from setting up the environment to the first running app.

• Kotlin fundamentals.

• Learn how to design UI with android XML.

• Design your first simple app.

• How to use canvas.

• How to use mobile resources like camera, GPS and many more.

• Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak!

• Learn MVVM android architecture pattern.

• Build your second app with a lot of features.

• Learn about google cloud and how to use API.

• Build a real-world app and upload it to google store.

How to Enroll:

1. Visit Our Website: Go to to sign up.

2. Free Trial: Register for a free trial class to experience our teaching methods.

3. Contact Us: Call us at – إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. [ 05687236XX

إعلان رقم: 250427005

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  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

صاحب الإعلان

 Makharia Institute

Makharia Institute

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عضو منذ 30-08-2024
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