3 Piece Outdoor Dining Set with Cushions Poly Rattan Grey

قبل 21 ساعة
5 / 1



This versatile poly rattan dining set consists of 1 table, 2 benches, 2 pillows and 2 seat cushions. It will offer a stylish seating area for your garden or patio. The dining set can also be turned into a sofa.

The set is easy to clean, hard-wearing and suitable for daily outdoor use due to the weather-resistant PE rattan. The powder-coated steel frame makes the set sturdy and stable. The seat is delivered with highly comfortable, thickly-padded seat cushions and back cushions for ultimate comf

إعلان رقم: 254040095

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450 درهم
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صاحب الإعلان



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عضو منذ 26-10-2023


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