Google Nest Thermostat E - Smart Thermostat - It's Easy To Save Energy

خدمة التوصيل09-11-2024
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Model nameGoogle Nest Thermostat E

Controller typeapp,voice

Special featuresFrost Protection


Temperature Control TypeHeating

It's easy to save energy. The Nest Thermostat E helps saves energy. You can change the temperature from the Nest app. With its built-in stand, it can go in any room. And it's easy to install yourself[1]

Proven energy-saving features. The Nest Thermostat E is all set up with a simple schedule to help you save from day one[1]. It knows when everyone has left the house, then turns itself down so that you're not heating an empty home. And when you change to an energy-saving temperature, you'll see the Nest Leaf

Turn it up or down from anywhere. Change the temperature with the Nest app on your phone, tablet or laptop. Or just use your voice with your home assistant[2]

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