Necta Koro Prime & Vitrigo Milk Fridge Automatic Coffee Machine

خدمة التوصيلأمس
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Koro Prime, Fresh Milk When Technology meets Design Attention to detail, exquisite design, perfect lighting and unrivalled performance make Koro Prime the focus for the ideal coffee break. Koro Prime is designed with soft, modern lines and is manufactured using a perfect balance of materials. The elegant “mood lighting” illuminates both front and sides and there’s a large display for managing both images and text. The backlit, touch sensitive selection panel completes the look of this perfect modern coffee machine: you can see at a glance that Koro Prime is an elegant machine that will enhance any environment

Height (mm)550

Width (mm)330

Depth (mm)530

Depth Open (mm)724

Weight (kg)32kg


Voltage220/240V, 50Hz

for more details please contact us on إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 009715025150XX

إعلان رقم: 254523343

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 falcon Kitchens

falcon Kitchens

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