Luxe French Bow Barrettes in Chic Silk Satin + FREE Set of 4 Mini Scrunchies! Limited 12-Piece Set!

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SALE!!!Elegance meets practicality! Perfectly crafted to hold your hair in place while adding a splash of color, these barrettes are more than just accessories; they’re a statement.

Each set (1 box) includes 6 pairs (12 items) of luxurious Silk Satin Bows with FREE 4 mini scrunchies in elegant beige and deep purple tones

Please send message on Whatsapp for more info. Thank you.

Why You'll Love Them:

Premium silk Satin Finish: Soft, glossy, and smooth—just like your style.

Versatile Colors: From

إعلان رقم: 254722329

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صاحب الإعلان

 Elinor Middleton

Elinor Middleton

( 1 )
عضو منذ 11-08-2020
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