Yamaha U10 Upright Piano For Sale Serial Number 4545717

خدمة التوصيل19-11-2024
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Yamaha U10 Upright Piano For Sale

Comes with a comprehensive warranty, free doorstep delivery, and a comfortable bench included.

Discover the timeless elegance and superior craftsmanship of the Yamaha U10 Upright Piano. Renowned for its exceptional sound quality and durability, this piano is perfect for both aspiring musicians and seasoned professionals.

Key Features:

• Rich, Resonant Sound: The U10 delivers a full, rich tone that rivals grand pianos, thanks to its high-quality materials and e

إعلان رقم: 254845245

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11,000 درهم
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صاحب الإعلان

 Used Pianos LLC

Used Pianos LLC

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عضو منذ 19-11-2024


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