Urgent sale: 2013 Ford Focus ST

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I’m Hi I’m selling my 2013 ST1 Tangerine Scream Ford Focus ST US Spec. Current odometer reading is 232xxx.

List of mods:

-Cobb Air-filter and intake pipe

-Cobb Intercooler with Cobb intercooler piping

-Cobb rear mount

-JBR passenger mount

- Android screen

- New battery installed

- Oil change done 4000km ago

This is an urgent sale and more information will be provided about the car upon viewing it. Contact me on WhatsApp at إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 05666044XX

إعلان رقم: 254952735

إسأل صاحب الإعلان

24,300 درهم
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  2. لا تقم بإرسال المال مسبقاً.
  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

صاحب الإعلان

 zubair davids

zubair davids

( 0 )
عضو منذ 21-11-2024


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