Jumbo Slime Kit for Kids Glow in the Dark Perfect Toys for Girls boys 7-12 Years Old DIY kit

خدمة التوصيلقبل 19 ساعة
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1.Jumbo Slime Kit Contain - It comes with over 50 different slime supplies all in one box! 18 beautifully wacky colors of crystal slime ranging from clear slime, to purple slime, 12 types of glitter, various foam beads, fishbowl beads and more!

2. Glow in The Dark Slime Kit - Our jumbo slime supplies pack glows in the dark, has glitter, and all the mix in accessories needed to make your own green slime Mix in a little, mix in a lot, or say "mix I will not!" This slime will glow in an instant!

إعلان رقم: 255545207

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عضو منذ 03-12-2024


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