DU 5G/4G Wireless Router - Model ZLT X21 with SIM Slot

قبل 16 ساعة
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I want to sale this device of du so can you please write title and discription for this and I am moving to another country that's why I am selling this it has 4g and 5g with sim slot

ChatGPT said:



DU 5G/4G Wireless Router - Model ZLT X21 with SIM Slot


I am selling a DU 5G/4G wireless router (Model ZLT X21) as I am relocating to another country. This device supports both 4G and 5G connectivity and comes with a SIM slot for seamless internet access.



إعلان رقم: 255553827

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150 درهم
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صاحب الإعلان

 Yasir Khan

Yasir Khan

( 0 )
عضو منذ 28-11-2024


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