MBS Angle Tower Bird Cage – Heavy Duty Aviary 76*45*45

خدمة التوصيلقبل 14 ساعة
6 / 1



Introducing the MBS Angle Tower Bird Cage (Product Code: AngleTower001), an exceptional aviary tailored to meet the needs of your birds. This heavy-duty tower stands tall at a total height of 216cm, with each of its four floors measuring H: 45cm, W: 76cm, and D: 45cm.

Available in both white and black colors, this cage is crafted from durable iron with a powder coating finish, ensuring longevity and durability. It features 6 to 12 breeding box hanging options across the floors, providing ample

إعلان رقم: 255592737

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 MBS Bird Cages

MBS Bird Cages

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عضو منذ 04-12-2024


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