SHARMAX Golf Cart 5000 Champion 4-seat (electric golf car , جولف كار، سيارة جولف كهربائية)

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WARRANTY 1 YEAR - ضمان 1 سنوات

0 KM MILEAGE - عداد (0) كم

The SHARMAX Golf Cart 5000 Champion is an electric 4-seat golf cart designed for efficient and quiet transportation on the golf course. It's built to carry players and equipment with ease, offering a reliable and eco-friendly way to get around.


LED Lights

LED Light Bar

Extra Storage Compartments Under the Seats

Front Bumper

Foldable Front Windshield

Rear View Mirror

Soft Luxury Upholstery

Seat Belts

Run Protection Awning

Cup holders (Front and Back seats)

USB Charger (Front and Back Seats)

Large tires (On-Road and Off-Road)


Call us to know more: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. +971477768XX

إعلان رقم: 255927103

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( 59 )
عضو منذ 30-03-2023
وقت التجاوب خلال 8 ساعات


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