RAIDO Oficial Licensed 2188 Ride On Car RC remote hydraulic button door For Kids, RED

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Purchased in July 2023, this like-new ride-on car has hardly been used and has been kept indoors. It's in perfect condition with no broken parts. Includes a fully functional remote control and charger.

Key Features:

Two 6V 4.5AH Batteries and Two 15W Motors

Four-wheel suspension, LED lights, horn, power level display

MP3 music input on steering wheel

Foot pedal accelerator, forward/reverse/neutral gears

Hydraulic button door

Max weight capacity: 30 kg, designed for ages 1-6

Product size: 105 x

إعلان رقم: 256134097

إسأل صاحب الإعلان

200 درهم
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  2. لا تقم بإرسال المال مسبقاً.
  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

صاحب الإعلان

 Md Rakibul Islam

Md Rakibul Islam

( 0 )
عضو منذ 15-12-2024


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