New Climate Plus Luxury AURA Model Patio Heater - Premium Design & High Performance

خدمة التوصيلقبل 10 ساعات
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Pre-order the luxurious AURA patio heater! 2270mm tall with a 13kW heat output, propane or butane powered, anti-tilt safety features, and glass tube design. Perfect for outdoor heating. CE-certified.

New Luxury AURA Model Patio Heater


Height: 2270 mm

Reflector: 355x355x60 mm

Fuel Type: Compatible with Propane, Butane, and LPG mixtures

Maximum Heat Output: 13kW (945g/h)

Safety Features: Anti-tilt switch & automatic shut-off device

Premium Glass Tube: For aesthetic appeal & even

إعلان رقم: 256263053

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 Outdoor Air Conditioning

Outdoor Air Conditioning

( 6 )
عضو منذ 14-11-2018
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