Yamaha DGX-500 Portable Grand Piano - 88 Keys

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Yamaha DGX-500 Portable Grand Piano Keyboard - Where Quality Meets Versatility!

Discover a world of musical possibilities with the Yamaha DGX-500 Portable Grand. This keyboard offers a full-sized, 88-note, touch-responsive keyboard that adapts to your playing style, making it perfect for performing everything from classical music to modern pop. With the DGX-500, the sound quality isn’t just heard; it's felt, thanks to its powerful 4-speaker stereo system!

https://wa.me/إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 971 58 512 21XX

إعلان رقم: 256331315

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 Kerlos Mary-Remon

Kerlos Mary-Remon

( 0 )
عضو منذ 29-10-2024


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