Ninebot Segway Drift W1 E-Skates White (Just used 20mins by my Kid and can't maintain balance)

خدمة التوصيلقبل 17 ساعة
19 / 1



The Segway Drift W1 self-balancing e-Skates are stylish, cool and fun to master. The total 7kg weight enables you to carry the Segway Drift W1 around easily. Just step on, it balances for you! The only thing that you need to do is to steer and lean with your weight. The Segway Drift W1 is your new stylish way to move and have fun!


- Two separate e-Skates offer countless possibilities on ways to use it

- The rubber bumpers at the front and rear protects during impact

- Ambient lights w

إعلان رقم: 256594549

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