Adults Size Foldable Bath Tub Adult Bath Barrel soaking bathtubs suits 2 adults, Easy use

خدمة التوصيلأمس
12 / 1



Portable Bathtub 120 cm, Non-Inflatable Bathtub, Freestanding, Folding PVC, 2 x Adult size, Indoor Home Spa Soaking Barrel Bathroom - Easy assemble.

• Excellent Material: The bathtub is made of Peach skin + thermal insulation cotton + waterproof PVC cloth, soft, foldable, durable, and insulated. Preserve the heat for 80 minutes.

• Temperature Locking Design: 360-degree wrap-around insulation maintains water warmth for up to three hours, providing a relaxing soak with cold, moisture, heat, and s

إعلان رقم: 256602409

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