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دبيالحي / المنطقة
ديرةالقسم الرئيسي
شركات - معدات مهنيةالقسم الفرعي
معدات يدوية
The handicraft portrait of Sheikh Hamdan is designed by handcraft with the help of Silk and Abrashim.The total present-age of Silk and Abrashim in 100 %.The Abrashim dor is Hirathi and Indian. The portrait took one year to complete. The handcraft portrait consist of twenty seven different colour . The flag and log is upside.
The handcraft show the arts and dedication of young afghan Artist. The personalty of Sheikh Hamdan is symbol of freedom and prosperous . The footpath of him can change every nation.
إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 05812165XX
...إعلان رقم: 257626697