Get mosquitoes, flies free home with our ultrasonic pest repeller

خدمة التوصيلقبل 4 ساعات
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**Say Goodbye to Pests! Buy Now for a Pest-Free Home!**

**Get a Mosquito-Free Home with Our 2-in-1 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller!**

**CALL / WHATSAPP: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 00971 5639562XX**

Introducing our 2-in-1 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller – the ultimate solution for a pest-free living space! Effective against mosquitoes and flies, it's tailored for your home country.

**Price:** 3 pieces for only 30 AED, with free delivery to Fujairah City, Al Faseel, Madhab, Kalba, New Sakakamkam, and surrounding areas. Minimum order: 3 pieces .

**Key Features:**

- **Ultrasonic Waves:** Drive pests away without disturbing humans or pets.

- **Blue UV Light:** Attracts and eliminates flying insects like mosquitoes.

- **Safe & Efficient:** No harmful chemicals, ensuring your family's safety.

- **Cost-Effective:** Say goodbye to ongoing expenses for replacements.


- **Ultrasonic Frequency Range:** 25 kHz to 60 kHz

- **Blue UV Light Wavelength:** 365 nm

- **Operation Frequency:** 60 Hz

- **Coverage Area:** Up to 20 square meters


- Enjoy a pest-free environment.

- Protect your loved ones from pests.

- Safe and eco-friendly solution.

- Save money with a one-time investment.

**Order Now:** Don't let pests ruin your home comfort! Order your 2-in-1 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller today and experience a pest-free living space. Say goodbye to pests and hello to peace of mind!

**CALL / WHATSAPP: إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 00971 5639562XX

إعلان رقم: 259833643

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صاحب الإعلان

 Saiful Islam

Saiful Islam

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عضو منذ 18-04-2023
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