Dirt bike Kawasaki KX85 Quad

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The 2011 Kawasaki KX85 is a high-performance motocross bike designed for young riders seeking a competitive edge. Renowned for its agility and power, the KX85 has been a popular choice in the youth motocross segment.

Key Specifications:

• Engine: 84cc liquid-cooled, two-stroke single with Kawasaki Integrated Power-valve System (KIPS)

• Bore x Stroke: 48.5 x 45.8 mm

• Compression Ratio: 10.0:1 (low speed); 9.2:1 (high speed)

• Carburetor: Keihin PWK28

• Ignition: Digital CDI

• Transmissio

إعلان رقم: 259840395

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