Hisense 8Kg Front Loading Washing Machine 1200 RPM Silver Model WFPV8012EMT

خدمة التوصيلقبل 8 ساعات
14 / 1



Capacity 8 Kilograms

Colour Silver

Brand Hisense

Product dimensions 22.8D x 23W x 34H centimeters

Special features Child Lock, Hygiene Steam, Drum Clean, Delay Start

About this item

Hisense 8Kg Front Loading Washing Machine 1200 RPM Silver Model WFPV8012EMT -1 Years Full Warranty.

A feature allowing you to load the machine and select your preferred washing end time. This is useful to take advantage of lower utility rates or to avoid the unwanted noise of the machine at certain times in the day,

إعلان رقم: 260211897

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 John Marston

John Marston

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