Shared Rooms Furnished For Rent in Ajman Al Hamidiya


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Real Estate for Rent
Shared Rooms For Rent
Al Hamidiya
Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Hamidiya
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Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Hamidiya

Furnished , Monthly , سكن مشترك داخل فيلا في عجمان الحميدية مقابل المحكمة مطلوب شخص سوري الجنسية للمشاركة في غرفة مع شخص واحد فقط غرفة كبيرة فرش جديد سكن هادئ ونظيف انترنت سريع شامل كهرباء وماء وانترنت مدخل منفصل حمام خاص باركن مجاني قريب على شارع الشيخ محمد بن زايد​

Ajman, Al Hamidiya
icon phone05099661XX
Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Hamidiya
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Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Hamidiya

Furnished , Monthly , direct_app_open

Ajman, Al Hamidiya
icon phone05544081XX
1,100 AED

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4000 m2 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Sharjah Al Butina

1 Bedroom , One Bathroom , Furnished , Monthly , Surface Area: 4000 m2, Fourth Floor , 1 - 5 years

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1600 m2 2 Bedrooms Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al- Jurf

2 Bedrooms , 3 Bathrooms , Unfurnished , Yearly , Surface Area: 1600 m2, Fourth Floor , 1 - 5 years

Ajman, Al- Jurf
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1500 ft² 2 Bedrooms Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Rashidiya
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1500 ft² 2 Bedrooms Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Rashidiya

2 Bedrooms , 2 Bathrooms , Furnished , Monthly , Surface Area: 1500 ft², Fifth Floor , 1 - 5 years

Ajman, Al Rashidiya
icon phone05060757XX
6,000 AED
Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Rashidiya
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Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Rashidiya

Furnished , Monthly , direct_app_open

Ajman, Al Rashidiya
icon phone05595589XX
650 AED
4000 ft² 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Rashidiya
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4000 ft² 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Rashidiya

1 Bedroom , 2 Bathrooms , Furnished , Monthly , Surface Area: 4000 ft², Seventh floor , 1 - 5 years

Ajman, Al Rashidiya
icon phone05272454XX
4,200 AED
Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Naemiyah
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Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Naemiyah

Furnished , Monthly , يوجد برتيشن منفصل بفاصل للخصوصية بغرفة لفرد فقط سكن للموظفين فقط هادئ ونظيف شامل كل شي كهرباء ومياه وانترنت بعجمان النعيميه بجوار السفير مول ومطعم زيزو واسطنبوال سوبر مركت عدد الافراد في الشقة بالكامل خمس أفرد والغرفة فردين فقط بسعر700 درهم شهري بدون عمولة.. 0562575059There is a separate bed with a partition for privacy in a room for two people only, housing for employees only, quiet and clean, including everything, electricity, water and internet in Ajman Al-Nuaimiyah, next to Al-Safir Mall, Zizo Restaurant and Istanbul Super Market. The number of people in the entire apartment is five people and the room is only two people at a price o700 dirhams per month without commission. الرجاء الاتصال علي الرقم من الصور

Ajman, Al Naemiyah
icon phone05016524XX
700 AED
500 ft² Studio Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Naemiyah
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500 ft² Studio Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Naemiyah

Studio , One Bathroom , Furnished , Monthly , Surface Area: 500 ft², Second Floor , 1 - 5 years

Ajman, Al Naemiyah
icon phone05030989XX
2,800 AED
Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Rashidiya
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Furnished Monthly in Ajman Al Rashidiya

Furnished , Monthly , direct_app_open

Ajman, Al Rashidiya
icon phone05828731XX
999 AED
788 ft² 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Naemiyah
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788 ft² 1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Ajman Al Naemiyah

1 Bedroom , 2 Bathrooms , Unfurnished , Yearly , Surface Area: 788 ft², Sixth floor , 1 - 5 years

Ajman, Al Naemiyah
icon phone05083345XX
30,000 AED

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