اعمل تحت ضغض الشغل والعمل بفرد والعمل الجماعي
2007 Dec - Until now
مركز حسام السيد
1. Tasleha Auto Services-Sharjah, UAE | Auto Mechanic (2023- Present) Responsible for the maintenance and repair of modern vehicles. ·Specializedin diagnosing and servicing suspension systems and operational components. Delivered expert consultations to customers on vehicle upkeep and troubleshoo
2007 Dec - Until now
مركز حسام السيد
1. Tasleha Auto Services-Sharjah, UAE | Auto Mechanic (2023- Present) Responsible for the maintenance and repair of modern vehicles. ·Specializedin diagnosing and servicing suspension systems and operational components. Delivered expert consultations to customers on vehicle upkeep and troubleshoo
حسام السيد
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