للبيع سرير للاطفال

10 hours ago
5 / 1



اعلان عن بيع سرير الاطفال كنموذج سياره المعدنية و صلبة و جديدة و غير مستخدمة اطلاقاً و مع الفرش عازل السوائل

للجادين التواصل علئ ارقام التاليه

Click to show phone number.. 05533655XX

Click to show phone number.. 05444475XX

Announcing the sale of a baby bed as a metal, solid, new and never used car model, and with mattresses and fluid insulators. It was purchased at a high value. For serious people, please contact the following number

Click to show phone number.. 05444475XX

Post ID: 259929963

Ask the Lister

1,000 AED
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 حسين الخاجة

حسين الخاجة

( 2 )
Member Since 21-04-2021
Replies Within two hours


Dubai - Al Mizhar

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