Al YasminBedrooms
FurnishedRental period
DailySurface Area
3013 foot squareLand Area
3013 foot squareNumber of Floors
2 FloorsBuilding Age
0 - 11 monthsFacade
Real Estate for RentSubcategory
Villa - Palace for RentMain Amenities
Private Pool, Double Glazed Windows, Central Air Conditioning, Air Conditioning, Heating, Built in Wardrobes
Additional Amenities
Garage Parking, Staircase, Swimming Pool, Broadband Internet
Dry Clean, Parking, Bank / ATM, Restaurant, Pharmacy, Supermarket, Mall / Shopping Center, Gym, Mosque
اختيارك المناسب لهذه الفيلا الفخمة بتصميم حديث يجعلك تشعر بالراحة و الرفاهية
مكونة من ثلاثة غرف نوم - صالة - مجلس و مطبخ منفصل حديث و كبير
و مسبح خاص برايفت
الاثاث جديد
للحجز و الاستعلام ما عليك سوى الاتصال بالرقم
Click to show phone number.. 009715660586XX
Your right choice for this luxurious villa with a modern design that makes you feel comfortable and luxurious. It consists of three bedrooms - a hall - a council and a separate modern and large kitchen and a private swimming pool. The furniture is new.
for booking
Click to show phone number.. 009715660586XX