Contract Type
Job TitleWarehouse - Inventory Manager
Job Sector
Working Days
Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Salary6000 AED
Additional Benefits
لدى خبره فى مجال المخازن والمستودعات 10 سنه وكنت مسؤل عن قسم مبيعات الجمله والتوريد والحركه اللوجيستيه ومشرف على 250 موظف تحت مسؤليتى مجال العمل قرطاسيه وكتب والكترونيات واحبار والوان ومجسمات
I have 10 years of experience in the field of warehouses and warehousing and I was responsible for the department of wholesale sales, supply and logistics movement and a supervisor of 250 employees under my responsibility in the field of work: stationery, books, electronics, inks, colors and models