Toyota FJ 2008 GCC for sale

3 hours ago
15 / 1



البيع السيارة تويوتا FJ


رقم واحد

بلاك اديشن

السياره عليها جامبينات عليها كراسي لكزس كهربائيه ثلاجه ديفلوك رنجات مثد الموتر مسرفس بالكامل

مطلوب في في الموتر 37 والسعر قبل بالتفاوض بالمعقول للتواصل على الرقم

Click to show phone number.. 009715555199XX

Fj cruser 2008

The car is fully equipped with

all options,


cruise control,

differential lock (deflock), electric seats,

Profender suspension system.

It features a front lift ,

Methods rims,

. The engine is in its original condition, never opened, and has been well-maintained

Wanted 39K

Who called

Click to show phone number.. 009715555199XX

Post ID: 259976569

Ask the Lister

37,000 AED
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 MBA Motors

MBA Motors

( 10 )
Member Since 31-10-2024
Replies Within few days


Abu Dhabi - Al Samha

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